Making Writing a Habit

Since I’ve found it so difficult to keep writing in the past I wanted to share some of the ways I’ve found to keep going this time round.

Unless I manage to keep myself writing everyday I loose the thread and struggle to get moving again the next time I sit down. To compensate I’ve worked very hard to make sure I fit some writing in every day.  I know it can be difficult to fit it in around your everyday life, particularly for those of us who work full time but it can make the difference between whether or not you successfully complete your novel. I know that there won’t be any hard and fast rule or technique that everyone can apply but hopefully by giving you some ideas about the way that I’ve been able to fit it in it might give you a place to start

I’ve tried writing in many places and at different times but nothing quite seemed to work, I’d always set out with the best intentions but never quite seemed to squeeze it into my busy day. Before I knew it a week or a couple of weeks would suddenly have flown past without my having managed to get anything more done.

Eventually someone told me that they fit their writing in by getting get up an hour earlier than they otherwise would and writing before doing anything else. Getting up a full hour earlier admittedly didnt really appeal to me so I settled on cutting down my morning routine to get myself out of the door faster to catch an earlier train.  This left time for me to spend an hour in a coffeeshop at the other end before going into work. Getting the earlier train also meant that I was usually able to get a seat so was also able to use my time on the train to write. So getting up 20 minutes earlier have allowed me to fit an additional 1 hr 30 mins of writing into every morning.

The other trick that I use is to allow myself a treat while I’m writing. The only time that I allow myself to have a coffee shop bought coffee or hot chocolate is when I’m writing. So to be allowed one I have to write. You might be able to do the same by allowing yourself one of your favourite chocolates after you’ve spent some time writing.

Another piece of advice I would give is that although its important to make sure you get some writing done everyday don’t be afraid to be flexible with the amount of time you are able to give it, some days something will get in the way but even if you just open your laptop or notebook for a minute and write 10 or 20 words before you have to stop you’ve proved to yourself that you’re willing to do it and that the writing is important to you. At the same time, remember you wont always be able to produce the same number of words every day, most of us work at different speeds at different times so don’t let a couple of slow days put you off carrying on!

The best way to make your writing a daily habit is different for everyone. I have friends who do it before they go to sleep and others who take a different route into work so that they can spend longer on the train writing. The key is to find a slot of time in your day that you can use routinely and a way to keep yourself motivated to use it.  So go out and experiment with different ideas and try to find a way to fit a little bit of writing in every day!

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